School Statistics

Here is a summary of all of the Energy Sparks schools.

School onboarding status

Status Count
Onboarding 40
Active 58
Active, with data enabled 810
Total 908

Active schools by country

Country Count Pupil numbers
England 764 416922
Scotland 10 5093
Wales 94 39115
Total 868 461130

Active schools, free school meal status

Percentage range Count
0 31
1 - 10 124
11 - 20 223
21 - 30 155
31 - 40 138
41 - 50 78
51 - 60 56
61 - 70 15
71 - 80 8
81 - 100 1
Unknown 39
Total 868

Active schools by type

School type Count
Infant 21
Junior 14
Middle 4
Mixed: Primary and Secondary 32
Primary 517
Secondary 243
Special or Alternative Provision 37
Total 868